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----2012ITMA纺机展访意达纺织机械(中国)有限公司CEO Carlo Rogora

2012年07月10日  来源:中国纺机网编辑部

观众朋友大家好,我现在所在的位置是2012年中国国际纺织机械展览会暨ITMA亚洲展览会展会现场,我是中国纺机网TTMN.COM的记者刘晓玲。意达织造集意大利人的创造力,瑞士人的精确度于一身。在意大利、瑞士和中国的生产装配线每天生产意达品牌的织造系统。今天很荣幸走进意达纺织机械有限公司,非常荣幸采访到意达CEO:Carlo Rogora.

  Lynn: Hello,Mr. Rogora

记者:你好,Mr Rogora.

  Mr. Rogora: Hello,Lynn


  Lynn: First of all, please make a brief introduction about your company.


Mr. Rogora:Our company is a company that is manufacturing the looms and we are one of the first companies in the weaving business. Our name “Itema” literally means “international textile machines”, and we are here in Shanghai for this exhibitionwith all the other big companies to show our new development and our machines which can compete in the biggest market of the world, which is China.

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