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----2012ITMA纺机展访意达纺织机械(中国)有限公司CEO Carlo Rogora

2012年07月10日  来源:中国纺机网编辑部

  MrRogora:意达纺织机械有限公司致力于织造机械和其备件的研发与销售,它是唯一能够提供三种主要引纬系统织机的厂商。我们公司叫做Itema,字面意思就是international textile machine(国际纺织机械)。这次非常高兴能够在这次展会中和其他这么多大公司一起在世界上最大的市场展示新产品和新技术。

意达纺织机械(中国)有限公司CEO Carlo Rogora与TTMN记者沟通中

Lynn:When did Itema come to China?


Mr. Rogora: Itema has its own factory here in China, here in Shanghai, and we are manufacturing looms here since 2002-2003, so it’s a long period we are present in your market. And now we have a company that has more than 200 people working in China, manufacturing with quality our products.


Lynn:Which products will your company mainly show in this exhibition?


Mr. Rogora:In this show we are presenting our new air-jet loom, the A9500, that is the one we have on our left, and we are manufacturing it in Europe. Then its brother, the A9000, that we are manufacturing in China. So we have different levels of these products to meet the requests and the requirements of our customers all over the world. We are also presenting - which we have already presented into the ITMA Barcelona last year- our Silver 501, a rapier loom, that has all the latest innovations and features to perform the best.

MrRogora:在本次展会中,我们展出我们新的喷气织机,就是位于我们左面的在欧洲生产的A9500型织机。然后,是它的兄弟记性,在中国生产的A9000型织机。因此,我们拥有各种层次的不同产品,能满足我们世界各地不同客户的需求。我们还展示了去年在巴塞罗那举办的ITMA2011展览会上展示的Silver 501型剑杆织机,此款织机集中了所有的最新科研成果,因此,能提供最高的性能。

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